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Breda Little League - 501(c)(3)
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Player Registration link
Volunteers Needed link

Frequently Asked Questions

Are teams broken down by age or grade?

We only divide teams by age for our 3 year old camp and t-ball. All other teams are formed according to grades in school (using 2024-25 school year). 

What is the age/grade breakdown for teams?

3-year-old camp (must be 3 by June 1); T-ball (must be 4 by June 1); Pee Wee (Kindergarten or 1st grade); Minors (2nd or 3rd grade); Majors (4th or 5th grade); Seniors (6th, 7th or 8th grade and cannot play High School ball). 

What is the registration fee?

$30 for 3-year-old camp and T-Ball; $40 for Pee Wees, Minors, Majors and Seniors (boys and girls)

Can I move my child up a level if he/she is advanced?

No. We do not allow this. On rare occasion, if we are short players on a team, we will discuss the possibility of bumping a child up to complete a roster only if the child is capable and his/her parent approves.

What is supplied for the uniform?

Registration fees include a uniform shirt. Players are asked to purchase their own gray baseball/softball pants. T-ball and learning camp players are not required to have ball pants. 

Can I sponsor a team?

Yes! We have many donation/sponsorship opportunities available. Team sponsorship is $400 and includes your business name and logo on the back of the shirt. See our full list of opportunities under the Donation or Sponsorship tabs.